Global Challenges
Global Leaders

In 2018 the AICPA and expanded the Executive Roundtable to host the first Global Executive Roundtable at the World Congress of Accounting in Sydney. The response was tremendous as there is no other event like the Roundtable outside our flagship annual meeting in New York City. It set the course for our 2019 event to be held at the EY London wavespace, bringing together the most experienced minds serving the accounting profession to discuss global challenges, and opportunities, with leaders from across European countries.
Technology is changing the profession daily and will continue to impact the global economy at an exponential rate. Removing borders in the digital age is critical to understanding the three time horizons, past-present-future, as each region is progressing at a variable rate. This assembly of truly dynamic leaders creates a unique opportunity to learn, but more importantly, collectively empower the field with thought leadership and co-opetition. It is an invite-only annual event that is not to be missed should the opportunity present itself.
The Global Executive Roundtable fosters face-to-face interaction among the profession’s most influential and innovative leaders.